$100 off masonry services over $1000 $25 off Inspection & Sweeping Service
$100 off masonry services over $1000 $25 off Inspection & Sweeping Service
Sometimes we get a nosebleed!
Glazed creosote! Have your chimney cleaned on a regular basis before it gets to this dangerous phase! This is a nasty culprit of chimney fires!
Glazed creosote
Glazed Creosote
Ash and creosote being removed from the flue tiles in a process called Ro-Cleaning
More ash from same flue system
Ash and creosote
One of the biggest reason we need a chimney cap! Animal nesting was clogging this flue system!
Animal nesting! Best advertisement for chimney caps!
Someone chose to put tar all over this chimney to stop the leaking-NOT THE RIGHT SOLUTION! Now there is no choice but to tear it down and start over.
Adding a flue tile like this will not stop any leaking or drafting issue. Plus it is unsightly
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Call us today and ask about our stainless steel chimney cap special!